We focus our advocacy on the U.S. Senators and Representatives on the subcommittees that fund foreign aid - the State and Foreign Operations subcommittees of Appropriations. If you are in one of the states or Congressional Districts listed at the bottom of this page, we invite you to use these templates to send a personal email to your Member of Congress, sent c/o (in care of) the staffer listed. Add to the template something about your concern for the issue - that’s what makes these messages powerful. See the “PEPFAR integration” web page under “What We Do” on the menu for more information on what we’re asking.

Integrating HIV services with PRIMARY care

For Representatives and Senators c/o their staffer listed below:

Subject line: Please lead in having PEPFAR report investment in integration with primary care

Dear Senator _________,

[Introduce yourself briefly. State your topic and why you are concerned about it. If you have relevant experience, share it.]

(Paraphrase this request in your own words:)

We are asking Congress to have the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) provide information on the proportion of its funds directed to implementing its policy of integrating HIV services with local primary healthcare settings.

Best regards,

(name, city)


US House of Representatives, State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee of Appropriations

US Senate, State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee of Appropriations